Laundry Tips

Laundry - Quick and Easy

May 01, 2021


Lavanderia's Valet Laundry is the quickest and easiest way to get your laundry done. However, if you want to make it go even faster, here are some tips:

  1. Wash your clothes less often. Take notice of the t-shirt you only threw on to go outside to get the paper. Those jeans don't have to be washed everyday unless you've been doing some dirty, manual labor in them. Cut down on your laundry by not automatically throwing every article of clothing into the hamper.
  2. Speaking of hampers...eliminate sorting your clothes by having multiple hampers. One for whites, one for colors. Sort them as you go throughout your week. When laundry day comes around your clothes are already nicely divided.
  3. Remove stains right away. Ok, you may not strip off your shirt in the middle of a party when you spill salsa on it. But you do want to take care of that stain as soon as you get home. You don't have to wash it right then and there, but laundry pick up might not be for a few days. But it is much more likely that you'll get that stain out if you treat it as soon as possible.
  4. Wash everything according to the instructions. If you have something with special instructions be sure to set it aside with instructions so that it gets laundered properly.
  5. Buy the same socks. If you are not one of those crazy sock people - socks with kitties, socks with teacups, etc. - then buy the same type of sock. That way, if you lose a sock or one wears out before the other then you always have a replacement.
  6. Fill your drawers back to front. Instead of piling your clothes on top of each other and only using the top two or three items, stack your drawers back to front so when you pull open your drawer you see the entire collection and you don't have to go digging for something specific.

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